Anyone who cannot come to terms with his life
while he is alive needs one hand to ward off a
little his despair over his fate... but with his other hand
he can note down what he sees among the ruins.
- Franz Kafka

Friday, December 2, 2011

Always 'Bout To (Previously Recorded)

It's all gone tissue paper
Crispy snaps gone sour with a tear
A high house of it
Standing on its weightlessness

And memories have such nothing to do with this
That they're sitting on a beach under a different night
One that ends before mine begins and stars meant to share

Dirt meant love
Courage gave me breadth
To breathe
And porches were used
Feet were up

And sometimes my lips look full and expressive
Knock you down
Make you do

And sometimes my lips have gone into my head
To sort things out
And drip----->they go

I have this drawer full of tissue
Stacked perfect
It's all they let me build with
And a roll of paper towels
for me to guide the wet pile off the edge---->

Cuz my houses go 'way
With cancer and missing children
The revocation of uncle-hood

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